Saturday, October 12, 2013

Choosing Happiness

Someone once told me that happiness is a choice. I don’t recall if the person was a shaman, a wizard, or homeless, but they are right. We all have a choice in our happiness.

Everybody goes through low points, on a daily basis no less, but it is how we choose to respond that defines us. Happy? Sad? Angry? Upset? All emotions that are a normal response to any given stimulus. However, does an instantaneous feeling have to linger? Can we not choose to move on from the negative and not let it bog us down? Keep the positive feelings and emotions at the forefront. We need to remind ourselves of the good in our lives when feeling down.

My life has had many downs over the last few months. A three+ year relationship ended. My father was diagnosed with colon cancer and my family is dealing with it in our own individual ways. I have been feeling stuck here. I have been unhappy with my job, my friends, my family, my life, etc. It is so easy to get lost in the negative and dwell on it. To get stuck in a depression. To give up. Today, I am choosing a new path. My life isn’t bad. Not at all.

My job isn’t perfect. Whose is? I am employed when many people aren’t. I make a wage that allows me to live comfortably for my lifestyle and I do something I love to do. I couldn’t say that 8 months ago and a large group of people go their whole lives without ever being able to say that. I am thankful for my job and financial situation.

My friends aren’t perfect, nor should they be. I am lucky to have friends though. People who are there for me when I am at a low point. People who will talk to me at 3 AM and listen to me vent. People who offer up a place for me to stay, when I have nothing else. People who will come pick me up when my car inevitably fails. We don’t always agree. We don’t always entertain each other. We don’t always play nice, but they have my back. I am thankful for my friends.

My family is a mess. Most are. You don’t choose family. We are all different, but all the same. We have our struggles with each other. We get under each other’s skin. We fight. We share. We sacrifice. We support. We care. We all bring something to the table. We love each other. I wouldn’t trade my mother or siblings for anything.

I am trying to get past finding the negative in everything. I will try to seek out the positive. I will attempt to be more forgiving. Remind myself of all the good. I’m not perfect. I will fail. I will fall. I will get back up. I will succeed. It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow. There will be bumps in the road. It doesn’t matter. I am making a positive change in my life. I am choosing happiness.

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